When I think about the cross
When I think of Jesus
I’m reminded of His love
Love that never leaves me.
Who am I that He should die,
Giving life so freely?
When I think about the cross
Help me to believe it.
Such were the inspiring lyrics of a song we sung in church while doing the Stations of the Cross! The thought of our Lord hanging on the cross that fateful Good Friday would make any sensible follower wonder how precious we are in the sight of Jesus that He offered His life so that we may be saved. Time and again, we gather underneath the cross not to be a spectator, but to wonder like a child at the Lord’s unconditional and selfless love. We gather underneath the cross, as this year’s theme goes, to “Listen to Him.” (Luke 9:35), to listen to Christ’s Seven Last Words. In spite having a pair of ears, we often find ourselves struggling to listen. It could be because of distractions, pride, or sin. And yet, Jesus patiently encourages us to listen and shows us the rewards of listening like the wise man who built his house on rock (Matthew 7:24-27).
As we reflect on Jesus’ Seven Last Words, let us ask the Holy Spirit to open the ears of our hearts so we may listen and ponder these life-giving words. Doing so, we may faithfully share what we received to those who still have not heard of nor listened to Christ’s Message.
Pietro S. Albano
Former Editor-in-Chief, Member
Editorial Board